network 7 media group

India's most definitive destination of credible, independent & unbiased reporting with nearly two decades of mainstream journalism.

"Our objective is to present facts based on our in-depth research inputs, extensive surveys & impartial reporting. We are fearless."

ultimate leadership experiEance!

Network 7 Media Group is a committed & responsible media house with an extensive network of media outlets1

Decisive Leadership in Difficult times

Network 7 Media group has been at the forefront of bringing ground breaking news at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented economic challenges!

The challenges of indian economy are manifold. Global

“India needs a re-energised reform programme that focuses on liberalising capital, land and labour markets. With the right attention, sectors that are distressed today, such as agriculture, construction and power, can become engines of growth,”

credible,trustworthy & responsible!

Network 7 Media Group does not believe in sensational headlines. Our stories reflect the true picture of both sides.

Setting the agenda for tomorrow


Network 7 Media Group is pioneering the revolution fot for free opinion, expression of thoughts & ideas without any fear or favour. Each initiatives that we undertake are meant to empower the leaders of tomorrow!